Meet Jem Juthamat

Meet Jem Juthamat a mother of two, content creator, interior designer and Director & Co-Founder of Jem and Bianca Interiors. Jem has a natural flair for style and is a creative leader in all her roles, amassing a strong presence in the interiors and social media world.
We speak with Jem as a proud mother of two who strives to empower and inspire women in the creative space to follow their dreams and truly channel their visions into real-life goals.
Tell us about yourself in three words...
Creative, caring and optimistic.
Name three females that inspire you.
I’m inspired by any woman that has overcome adversity and gone on to live a fulfilling life in their happiness, experiences and wellbeing.
What inspires you to work within a women-led space?
I’m inspired to work in a women led space as it showcases the ability of women & encourages other women to lean in.
How do you envision the future of women-led businesses for the next generation to come?
What sparks passion in life for you?
I find that my passion is sparked when I’m relaxed & have clarity. My creativity seems to be at its highest when I’m immersed in styling & designing.